6 Select the type of special files and extensions you wish to scan. Also indicate if you want to generate reports of the scans.
8 Boot
10 All Files
12 Compressed Files
14 Only Program files
16 System Files
18 Only my extensions
20 E-mail files
22 Extensions
24 Additional
26 These additional options will help you to further refine the way scan jobs are performed.
28 Enable Sounds
30 Multiple Diskettes
32 Generate Report
34 Minimize while scanning
36 Heuristic
38 Activate this option to discover possible viruses unknown to this version/revision of Panda Antivirus.
40 Enable
42 Configure
44 &OK
46 &Restore
48 &Cancel
50 &Predetermine
52 Actions
54 If a virus is found
56 Select the action you want to perform when a virus is found.
58 Pause the scan and inform of any other incident
60 Move
62 Move infected file to
64 Path:
66 E-Mail:
68 If disinfection is not possible:
70 &Rename file
72 &Delete file
74 Move file to:
76 Possible options when asked
78 Delete
80 Disinfect
82 Show Information
84 Rename
86 Exclusions
88 You may specify what directories, files, and extensions you do not want to be scanned.
90 Directories
92 Add
94 Remove
96 Clear
98 Report
100 Level of Detail
102 Specifies the level of detail with which the report will be generated.
104 Simple
106 Medium
108 Black Box
110 Report size
112 The maximum size of the file containing the report may be established in the Tools\Options menu.
114 Maximum report size is:
116 Kilobytes
118 Warnings
120 In the workstation
122 Permits you to configure the warning messages that will be shown in the workstation on which the incident occurred.
124 Show warnings in the workstation
126 In the network
128 Permits you to send warning messages to the network workstations.
130 Send warnings to the network workstations
132 Via e-mail
134 Permits you to send a warning message to an e-mail address.
136 Send warning to e-mail address
138 In messages containing viruses
140 Permits you to insert a warning message in e-mail messages containing viruses and warn all recipients of the message.
142 Warn if viruses are found in mail folders
144 Scheduler
146 Frequency
148 From this panel you can select the frequency with which the scan will be performed.
150 Schedule scan:
152 Start time:
154 Time limit:
156 Day scan will be performed
158 Every
160 weeks
162 Mon
164 Tue
166 Wed
168 Thu
170 Fri
172 Sat
174 Sun
176 Monthly scheduling
178 Every
180 of each month
182 The
184 Enabled (the scheduled job is executed in the specified period).
186 Warnings via e-mail
188 Warnings in the Workstation
190 Day scan will be performed
192 Day
194 Month
196 Hourly interval
198 hours
200 Daily interval
202 days
204 Validity
206 You can select between what time periods the scheduled scan will be performed.
208 Start date
210 End date
212 Mail profile
214 Default profile
216 Ask upon entering
218 Specified profile
220 General
222 Scannable items
224 You can select what system items will be shown in the scannable items tree.
226 E-mail folders
228 Network drives
230 CD-ROM drives
232 Indicate the maximum size the file containing the report may occupy. The maximum size limit is 65,000 Kbs.
234 Limit report size to
236 Updates
238 Update source
240 You can specify the source from which you want to perform the update
242 Diskette, CD-ROM, or Local Network
244 Internet
246 URL:
248 Login:
250 Password:
252 Timer
254 You can specify the frequency with which you want to automatically update the antivirus
258 &Configuration
260 Update now
262 Sounds
264 Select the sounds you want reproduced for each event.
266 Sound
268 Name:
270 Browse
272 Test
274 Password
276 Password protection
278 You may password-protect the access to the configuration of the diverse antivirus components.
280 Items to protect
282 Sentinel
284 Scheduled
286 Start
288 Updates
290 General Options
292 Enter your password:
294 Change password
296 Select the operations and extensions you want scanned.
298 Open
300 Close
302 Move / Rename
304 Compressed files
306 &Extensions
308 Files
310 E-mail
312 Incoming messages
314 Outgoing messages
316 Nested messages
318 MIME types to scan
320 Select what types of e-mail items you want scanned.
322 Applications
324 Images
326 Video
328 Audio
330 Text
332 HTML
334 Other
336 Add protection against
338 Select what types of Internet items you want scanned.
340 ActiveX Controls
342 Java Applets
344 Ports
346 Permits you to indicate the ports through which communications are established.
348 SMTP
350 POP3
352 FTP
354 HTTP
356 Startup Scan
358 Indicate the frequency with which you want to perform the startup scan.
360 Always
362 startups
364 days
366 Scannable extensions
368 Files with the following extensions will be scanned
370 Default configuration.
372 &Add
374 Remo&ve
376 Clear &List
378 Sensitivity
380 Select the desired sensitivity level
382 Minimum: Greater speed, less reliability
384 Medium: Predetermined level
386 Maximum: Less speed, greater reliability
388 Inform of
390 Select which files you want to be informed of
392 Incorrect Date and Time
394 Vaccinated Files
396 Selection Tree
398 Items to Exclude
400 Update period
402 Update every
404 You can specify the signature file update period.
406 Update time
408 Address
410 A warning message will be sent to the address specified in the dialog box.
412 Send warning message to the following address
414 Warning message
416 Protocol
418 Indicate the protocol you want to use to send the message.
420 Send using the MAPI protocol
422 Send using the SMTP protocol
424 Server
426 Warning sound
428 You can enable the warning sound option to play the specified sound when a virus is found.
430 Warning Sound :
432 Beep
434 WAV File
436 You can enter the message you want shown when a virus is found.
438 Show next warning message
440 Remove warning message after
442 seconds
444 Message to Sender
446 Indicate the message you want sent to the sender of a virus-infected message.
448 Send warning message to sender
450 Message to Other Recipients
452 Indicate the message you want sent to the other recipients of a virus-infected message.
454 Send warning message to other recipients
456 Message Received
458 Indicate the text you want to insert in virus-infected messages.
460 Insert warning in virus-infected message
462 Workstation
464 Enter the name of the workstation and/or domain you want to send the warning message to.
466 Send message to workstation
468 Workstation warning message
470 Domain
474 Send message to domain
476 Domain warning message
478 Re-enter the password
480 Incidents
482 Date
484 End
486 Warnings in Virus-infected Messages
489 Print report
491 Find incident
493 Convert to text file
495 Delete report
496 Find
498 Enter the words you wish to find in the selected fields.
500 Words:
502 Search in
504 Jobs
506 Paths
508 Enabled (the startup scan will be performed with the specified frequency).
510 Specify when you want this scan to be performed.
512 Each time you start Windows.
514 Each time you start a Windows session.
516 Enabled (the scheduled job is executed with the specified frequency).
518 Manufacturer's configuration.
520 Scanned
522 Infected
524 Disinfected
526 Memory
528 No
530 Messages
532 View &Report
534 Scan Multiple Diskettes
536 Next diskette
538 You may press "Next" to scan another diskette or "Finish" to end the diskette scan.
540 Information on the infected file
542 Virus information
544 Below you can see the characteristics of the virus found.
546 Alias :
548 Origin :
550 Size :
552 Date :
554 Infects :
556 Repairable :
558 Characteristics :
560 Resident
562 Stealth
564 Encrypted
566 Overwrite
568 Polymorphic
570 Companion
572 File information
574 Type:
576 MS-DOS name:
578 Created:
580 Modified:
582 Accessed:
584 Attributes:
586 Read-only
588 Hidden
590 Modified
592 System
594 Virus:
596 Location:
598 Choose the action you want to take on the infected file.
600 Reconfigure
602 Ignore
604 Finish
606 Inform
608 About Panda Antivirus
610 Panda Antivirus
612 This product is authorized to be used by:
614 List of installed modules:
616 Warning: This program is protected by author copyright laws and other international treaties.
618 The illicit reproduction or distribution of this program, or any part of it, is penalized by law with severe civil and penal sanctions, and will be subject to all the corresponding judicial actions.
620 &Technical Support
622 Access password
624 Save Scan
626 Enter the name you want to save the new scan with in the dialog box
628 Save As
630 Virus List
632 Show :
634 Find Virus :
636 Virus description
638 Search for information on a virus with the Find Virus option or show viruses of a determined type with the Show Virus option
640 "All Viruses","Program Viruses","Boot Viruses","Macro Viruses","Common Viruses"
666 In the box below you can see information on the characteristics of your antivirus file.
668 Close
670 No. of Known Viruses :
672 Virus File Version :
674 Date Created :
676 Time Created :
678 Panda Antivirus 6.0 for Windows 95 / 98
680 Initial Presentation
682 Scan
686 Items to be scanned
689 There are no items to show in this view
691 Drag here whatever you want to delete
693 Moves elements to the Items to be Scanned window
695 Removes the selected item from the list of items to be scanned
697 Clears the list of items to be scanned
699 View files
701 Include subdirectories in the scan
702 All folders
705 Maximize the selection tree
706 Immediate
708 Immediate Scans
710 Predefined immediate scans
712 Scheduled Scans
714 Frequency
716 Startup Scan
718 Local Resident
720 Description
722 This scan mode runs automatically providing permanent protection. In the advanced mode it is possible to configure the scan parameters. These include the types of files and operations to intercept.
724 Resident Status
726 Files Checked :
728 Viruses Found :
730 Total Scan Time (sec.) :
732 Resident Enabled
734 &Unload
736 Activity report of the resident antivirus
738 Incident
740 Job
742 Date-Time
744 Action
746 TCP/IP Resident
748 Internet Resident Status
750 No. of scanned files:
752 No. of infected files:
754 No. of disinfected files:
756 No. of websites visited:
758 Last website visited:
760 Last file scanned:
762 Internet Resident Enabled
764 Activity report of the resident Internet antivirus
766 System Startup
769 Antiquity of virus file
770 Additional Bar
773 Generate scan report
775 Scan all extensions
777 Heuristic scan
779 Enable/Disable sounds
781 Scan compressed files
783 When a virus is found, ignore and continue
785 Scan e-mail files
786 Standard Bar
788 Configure
789 Permits you to define how you want to perform the scan
790 Save
791 Saves and requests a name for a new predefined scan
792 Report
793 Shows the scan results file
794 Virus List
795 Shows information on known viruses
796 Update
797 Bring your antivirus up to date
798 Scan
799 Looks for viruses in the selected item(s)
800 Advanced
801 Simplifies program handling
802 Menu Bar
804 Presentation Bar
806 Back
807 Takes you to the previous page
808 Next
809 Takes you to the next page
810 Start
811 Takes you to the first page of this document
812 Print
813 Prints the current page
814 Start
815 To start performing the scan jobs
816 &File
818 &Save Created Scan...
820 &Delete Created Scan
822 &Exit
824 &View
826 &Toolbars
828 &Standard
830 &Additional
832 &Labels
834 &Panda Antivirus Bar
836 Status &Bar
838 Advanced &Mode
840 Restore &Default Appearance
842 &Go to
844 I&nitial Presentation
846 &Immediate
848 &Scheduled
850 Syste&m Startup
852 &Resident
854 In&ternet
856 &Tools
858 &Scan
860 &Configure scan...
862 &Report...
864 &Virus List...
866 &Update...
868 Create &Emergency Disk
870 &Panda on the Web
872 Panda &Home Page
874 &Updates
876 Panda Software &Solutions
878 &News
880 &Virtual Store
882 &Language
884 German
886 Spanish
888 English
890 Italian
892 Portuguese
894 &Options...
896 &Help
898 &Contents
900 What's &This?
902 Panda &Wise Setup
904 &Register On-Line
906 &Friendship License
908 &About Panda Antivirus
910 Configure scan
912 Save created scan
914 Delete created scan
916 Change name
918 Enable
920 Scan now
922 Configure scan
924 Save created scan
926 Delete created scan
928 Change name
930 Back
932 Next
934 Start
936 Find string
938 Print current page
940 Standard
942 Additional
944 Labels
956 Scan selected items
958 Configure scan
960 Delete selected items
962 Delete all items
964 Scan selected item
966 Configure default options
968 Add selected item
970 Enable
972 Scan now
974 Configure scan
976 Continue
980 Virus detected!
982 Scheduled Update
984 Configuration of the permanent communications scan
986 Confirm password
988 Network warnings
990 Restore configuration
992 Startup Scheduling
994 Options
996 Permanent Scan Configuration
998 Restore
1000 Save Results
1002 Please enter your personal details
1004 Where do you live?
1006 Address:
1008 Zip Code:
1010 City:
1012 State:
1014 Country:
1016 What's your phone number?
1018 Telephone:
1020 &Back
1022 &Next
1024 Cancel
1026 Have you got a fax? What's your number?
1028 Fax:
1030 Have you got e-mail?
1032 E-mail:
1034 Your e-mail address is essential to receive updates via Internet (Intelligent Updates).
1036 Where and when did you purchase this product?
1038 Establishment:
1040 Date:
1042 To finish off, please enter the Service Activation Code printed on your card.
1044 Enter Activation Code
1046 Code:
1048 Ready to start the On-Line Registration procedure.
1050 We will now try to send your Registration information to Panda Software. Below we will display a screen on which you can see how your registration progresses.
1052 Press the 'Send' button to start the transmission; if you want to correct any information, use the 'Back' button. You can also interrupt the process by using the 'Cancel' button.
1054 Registration finished successfully. You can now enjoy the Panda Software Services.
1056 The Panda Software Services constitute the best and most efficient protection method against viruses, as well as a clear commitment to providing the best possible service to our clients.
1058 If you require more information, please do not hesitate to visit our Web site 'www.pandasoftware.com', where you can find all kinds of information related to our company, our products... and lots more!
1060 Please click on the 'Finish' button to end the On-Line Registration wizard.
1062 Thank you for registering your Panda Antivirus !!
1064 Please register your Panda Antivirus now...
1066 By registering now you will immediately activate the following Panda services:
1068 Intelligent Updates
1070 (daily updates via Internet)
1072 24h-365d Technical Support
1074 24h S.O.S. Virus
1076 (urgent response to new viruses)
1078 Intelligent Upgrades
1080 Virus News
1082 (news, questions and answers concerning viruses)
1084 Use the 'Back' and 'Next' buttons to move around the different Registration screens; if you don't want to register now, please click on the 'Cancel' button.
1086 What's your name?
1088 Name:
1090 Surname:
1092 Did you buy the product for a company?
1094 No
1096 Yes
1098 Company:
1100 What is the activity of the company?
1102 Activity:
1104 Your ID or the company's tax ID number is...
1106 ID No.:
1108 How many PC's are there in your company?
1110 Number of PC's:
1112 Registration Wizard
1114 On-Line Friendship License
1116 Welcome to the wizard for the On-Line registration of your Friendship License!
1118 What's the first thing your friends will say when they find out that you have the best antivirus in the market? They'll surely ask you to let them install it on their own computers.
1120 At Panda Software, we offer you a more advantageous deal: rather than limiting your friends to making pirate copies of your Panda Antivirus, offer them a Friendship License. This guarantees them a legal product, and also includes the Personalized Panda Service, made up of:
1122 * 24h-365d Technical Support, manned by specialized technicians.
1126 * Access to an area of our Web site dedicated to the user with information on viruses.
1128 In exchange for each Friendship License you get, we'll give you $5.00.
1130 The procedure is simple: one, you fill out and send this form. Two, your friend receives his/her Friendship License upon the C.O.D. payment of $25.00. And three, we send you a check for five dollars.
1132 And so on for each Friendship License we receive in your name.
1134 Click on the 'Next' button to start the registration process.
1136 This form must be filled out with the personal details of the original purchaser. This is the holder of the Original Panda Antivirus License who provided the copy to the new user.
1138 The purchaser in turn will receive a gift of 5 dollars for each Friendship License achieved. There is no limit to the number of these.
1140 Please fill out the following two fields. When you have finished, click on the 'Next' button to continue with the Wizard.
1142 Purchaser's Details (Holder of the Original Panda Antivirus License)
1144 Full Name
1146 Activation code
1148 This form contains the details of the user who obtained the copy of Panda Antivirus. Once registered, he/she will obtain a legal license for the product that gives them the right to the following services:
1150 - 24h-365d Technical Support - 24h S.O.S. Virus - Intelligent Updates - Customer Attention via Internet
1152 Please fill out all fields. When you have finished, click on the 'Next' button to send the Friendship License by e-mail.
1154 ID No.
1156 Zip Code
1158 Telephone
1160 Fax
1162 Full Name
1164 Address
1166 City
1168 State
1170 Country
1172 E-Mail (essential to get updates via Internet)
1174 Thank you for filling out this form. You can now click on the 'Send' button. The information will be suitably encoded and sent to Panda Software for registration.
1178 Click on the 'Send' button to start the connection process. If, on the other hand, you want to abort the process, press the 'Cancel' button. If you need to correct some information, use the 'Back' button.
1180 Registration successfully finished!
1182 Congratulations! You friend can now benefit from all the advantages that make up the Panda Software Personalized Services.
1184 In a matter of days you will receive, upon C.O.D. payment, your Friendship License at the specified address, together with the personal password necessary for identification and access to the Intelligent Updates via Internet.
1186 If you wish, you can now exit this wizard by clicking on the 'Finish' button.
1188 Thank you for confiding your security in us!
1190 Weekly scheduling
1192 Search
1194 "All","Found","Suspect","Infected and suspect","Errors","Disinfected","Renamed","Deleted","Moved"
1196 "All","Before or equal to","After or equal to","Between"
1198 Finish
1200 Next
1202 Found in
1204 Location:
1206 You can select the profile you want to use to show the e-mail folders
1208 Select the configuration you want to restore.
1210 Scan files without extensions
1212 Look for Updates on program startup.
1214 View version data
1216 Done
1218 Show Report
1220 Scheduled Scans|Frequency
1221 There are no items to show in this view
1222 Press the Reconfigure button to change the configuration of this scan.
1224 Configuration of the permanent communications scan
1226 * 24h S.O.S. Virus, solution to unknown viruses in 24 hours.
1228 Store
1229 Visit our virtual store
1230 This version of Panda Antivirus, together with all its utilities and documentation, is SHAREWARE.
1232 This means that you may install this software on your computer and use it for 30 days.
1234 Once this period has expired, you must buy the software or delete it from your computer.
1236 You can purchase this software by connecting to the Panda Software virtual store, which you can access by using the button provided in the main window of the program.
1238 Shareware License
1240 Re&gister On Line
1242 &Complete Version
1244 Enable complete version
1246 User
1248 Code
1250 To convert this shareware version into a complete version, you must register through the virtual store or contact Panda Software. Enter your activation code, which you will receive upon registering, in the box below.
1252 Access to Internet via Proxy
1254 IP Address:
1256 Port:
1258 Direct connection to Internet
1260 Heuristic Scan
1262 This is where you can view a file whose characteristics make it suspicious of being virus-infected.
1264 Suspicious file detected!
1266 File characteristics:
1268 Compressed
1270 Incorrect date
1272 Incorrect time
1274 Characteristics of the possible virus:
1276 Highly suspicious file
1278 Suspicious header
1280 Searches for files
1282 Program run and open resident
1284 Program run resident
1286 Modified compressed file
1288 Obtains vectors
1290 Formats
1292 Uses undocumented functions
1294 Writes to disk
1296 Friendship License
1298 Choose the action you want to take on the infected file.Press the Reconfigure button to change the configuration of this scan.
1300 In News containing viruses
1302 Allows you to notify the sender of infected News.
1304 Warn upon detection of viruses in News.
1306 Specify the message you want to send to the sender of virus-infected News.
1308 Warnings for News containing viruses
1310 Blocking addresses
1312 Indicate the addresses to which you want to deny access. You may specify the address in decimal notation ( or as a name (http://www.pandasoftware.com/shop).
1314 Blocking services
1316 Indicate the services to which you want to deny access.
1318 French
1320 Italian
1322 Please wait while Panda Antivirus exits.
1324 You can protect your PC and your information from damaging Web sites. To do this, enable the address block option and specify the addresses to be blocked by pressing the Configure button.
1326 You can specify the services you want to block access to. To do this, enable the services block option and select the services to be blocked by pressing the Configure button.
1328 Enable address block
1330 Enable services block
1332 Ask for the action to be taken in case of blocking
1334 Addresses to be blocked
1336 Service|Port|Description
1338 Address block
1340 Address blocked
1342 Access to the following displayed address is blocked.
1344 Address:
1346 Block
1348 Continue
1350 Service block
1352 Service blocked
1354 Access to the following displayed service is blocked.
1356 Service:
1358 Blocks
1360 Enter the name of the server through which you are going to send the warning message.
1362 Scheduled updates
1364 Signature file
1366 Time:
1368 Update the signature file.
1370 You can specify the time period used to check for the existence of Updates && Upgrades.
1374 Each time the Antivirus is run.
1376 You can specify the frequency with which you want to perform the updates.
1378 Timing
1380 Select the items you want to update with the frequency indicated in the "Timing" section.
1382 Upgrade the entire antivirus.
1384 Lotus Notes databases
1386 Swedish
1388 Portuguese
1390 German
1392 Finnish
1394 Slovak
1396 Russian
1398 Brazilian Portuguese
1400 Add this address:
1402 Network environment
1404 Microsoft Network
1406 Novell Network
1408 Message
1410 From :
1412 Select all
1414 Information
1416 To :
1418 Virus
1420 File
1422 Subject :
2006 Unable to restore the antivirus configuration. The predetermined configuration has been established
2007 The configuration could not be saved
2008 You must select an item from the tree
2009 Add scannable items
2010 The item is already in the list
2011 The item is included in another listed item. Do you want to add it anyway?
2012 The items included in the new item will be deleted. Do you want to add it anyway?
2013 Are you sure you want to delete the immediate scan?
2014 Confirm deletion
2015 Are you sure you want to delete the scheduled scan?
2016 Save immediate scan
2017 There already exists a scan with that name. Do you want to overwrite it?
2018 You cannot use the name of a predefined scan
2019 Save scheduled scan
2020 It is not possible to scan mail at computer startup
2021 It is not possible to scan CD-ROM drives at computer startup
2022 It is not possible to scan network drives at computer startup
2023 In this type of scan it is not possible to add items with the Include Subdirectories option enabled
2024 Once
2025 Hourly
2026 Daily
2027 Weekly
2028 Monthly
2029 Yearly
2030 Desktop
2031 My Computer
2032 Memory
2033 Searching for mail folders...
2034 (Advanced)
2035 (Basic)
2036 Advanced
2037 Permits you to make use of all the program's options
2038 Basic
2039 Simplifies the handling of the program
2041 Press here to exclude subfolders from the scan
2042 Press here to include subfolders in the scan
2044 Reduce the "All Folders" area to standard size
2045 Amplify the "All Folders" area to maximum size
2046 Disable
2047 Enable
2048 Scan - Immediate
2049 Scan - Scheduled
2050 To use this scanning mode,\nyou must install the Microsoft job scheduler.\nThis utility is included in Windows 98.\nIn Windows 95 you must install the job scheduler\nthat comes with Internet Explorer 4.0\n
2055 Scan - System Startup
2056 This module was not installed.
2057 Scan - Resident
2058 Scan - Internet
2059 Incorrect password
2060 Access denied
2061 The job could not be removed from the job scheduler
2062 The scheduled job could not be created
2063 The scheduled job could not be enabled
2064 The scheduled job could not be disabled
2065 The changes to the job could not be saved
2066 The changes could not be saved in the job scheduler
2067 The " string was not found
2069 The local resident status could not be changed
2070 The Internet resident status could not be changed
2071 days
2072 Quick scan of chosen items
2073 Automatic scheduled scans
2074 Scan upon the booting of your computer
2075 Automatic permanent scan
2076 Automatic permanent scan of all Internet traffic
2077 Antiquity of virus file
2078 Displays an icon if a virus is found
2079 File not found
2080 Press here to hide files
2081 Press here to view files
2087 Immediate
2088 Scheduled
2089 System Startup
2090 Resident
2091 Internet
2092 Scan
2093 Double-click here to scan the items of the list
2094 The current version of Panda Antivirus\ndoes not have the necessary support to change to the selected language.
2095 There already exists a scan with that name.
2096 The code you have entered is not valid.
2097 The code you have entered is correct.\nFrom this point on you have a complete version,\nwhich means you can benefit from multiple advantages.\nTechnical support, S.O.S. Virus, Updates, etc.
2098 There are no help files available for the specified language
2099 The specified name is not valid for a scheduled job.\nThe name must contain at least one valid filename character.
2100 Unable to block more addresses
2101 Invalid address
2102 The address values must be between 0 and 255
2103 Invalid address. You must use a valid protocol before the name, such as http://.
2104 The specified address is already on the list
2105 It is not possible to scan Notes databases during computer startup
2106 Entire network
2584 Name :
2585 Alias :
2586 Origin :
2587 Size :
2588 Date :
2589 Infects :
2590 Repairable :
2592 Resident
2593 Stealth
2594 Encrypted
2595 Overwrite
2596 Polymorphic
2597 Companion
2598 Saudi Arabia
2599 Argentina
2600 Australia
2601 Austria
2602 Bolivia
2603 Brazil
2604 Bulgaria
2605 Canada
2606 Chile
2607 Czechoslovakia
2608 Denmark
2609 Eire
2610 Finland
2611 France
2612 Germany
2613 Greece
2614 Hong Kong
2615 Hungary
2616 Iceland
2617 India
2618 Indonesia
2619 Israel
2620 Italy
2621 Japan
2622 Mexico
2623 Holland
2624 New Zealand
2625 Philippines
2626 Poland
2627 Portugal
2628 Singapore
2629 South Africa
2630 South Korea
2631 Spain
2632 Sweden
2633 Switzerland
2634 Taiwan
2635 Thailand
2636 Turkey
2637 United Kingdom
2638 USA
2639 Europe
2640 Eastern Europe
2641 Malaysia
2642 Malta
2643 Pakistan
2644 USSR
2645 Cuba
2646 January
2647 February
2648 March
2649 April
2650 May
2651 June
2652 July
2653 August
2654 September
2655 October
2656 November
2657 December
2658 Master Boot
2659 Boot
2660 Others
2661 The Virus List cannot be filled out
2662 No
2901 User interface / normal scanner
2902 File resident
2903 Internet resident
2904 Antivirus for Outlook 97/98 and Exchange
2905 Startup scan
2906 Install information channels and active desktop elements
2907 Include the application in Quick Launch
2908 Windows 98 Maintenance wizard
3062 There is no report file
3063 Sorting records by column...
3064 Records sorted by Incident, Descending order.
3065 Records sorted by Incident, Ascending order.
3066 Records sorted by Job, Descending order.
3067 Records sorted by Job, Ascending order.
3068 Records sorted by Date-Time, Descending order.
3069 Records sorted by Date-Time, Ascending order.
3070 Records sorted by Path, Descending order.
3071 Records sorted by Path, Ascending order.
3072 Records sorted by Action, Descending order.
3073 Records sorted by Action, Ascending order.
3074 Applying filters to the report...
3075 The report file could not be opened
3076 Filtering operation finished.
3077 Filter Selected:
3078 All incidents
3079 Viruses Found
3080 Suspicious Files
3081 Infected and Suspicious Files
3082 Corrupt Files and I/O Errors
3083 Disinfected Files
3084 Renamed Files
3085 Deleted Files
3086 Moved Files
3087 Printing report...
3088 Panda Antivirus Report
3089 Panda Antivirus 6.0: Incident Report.
3090 Page
3091 of
3092 , Date: All
3093 , Date: Before or Equal to
3094 , Date: After or Equal to
3095 , Date: Between
3097 JOB
3099 PATH
3101 Report printed.
3102 Report sent to ASCII file...
3103 Panda Antivirus 6.0: Incident Report\n
3104 Filter Selected:
3106 ASCII file generated.
3107 Searching for incidents...
3108 Incident search finished.
3109 Are you sure you want to delete the report file?\nThis operation will close the report
3110 The report file could not be deleted
3111 You must select at least one field to search in.
3112 You must enter a search string.
3113 The end date cannot be before the start date
3114 and the
4417 Configuration of the Maintenance Wizard
4418 Configuration of %s
4419 Configuration of the Default Scan
4420 Configuration of the Computer Startup Scan
4421 Configuration of the Windows Startup Scan
4422 Configuration of the Contextual Scan
4423 Configuration of the Resident
4424 Configuration of the Internet Resident
4425 Are you sure you want to establish the current configuration as the default configuration?
4426 Default configuration
4427 The extension already exists
4428 Information
4429 This option will show you detailed information on the viruses found.
4430 The scan will not stop upon finding viruses; the incidents will simply be shown.
4431 Virus-infected files will be renamed.
4432 Virus-infected files will be deleted.
4433 Specify what action you wish to perform if the disinfection of the virus is not possible.
4434 If a virus is found, it will be disinfected.
4435 You can move the infected file to the directory you wish or e-mail it to Panda Software.
4436 Select the options you wish to avail of when a virus is found.
4437 Disinfect
4438 Show information on the virus
4439 Ignore and continue scanning
4440 Disinfect automatically
4441 Rename the infected file
4442 Delete the infected file
4443 Move the infected file
4444 Ask what action to take
4445 Prevent access to the file
4446 This option will prevent you from accessing the file if it contains a virus.
4447 Infected files will be moved to the directory specified below.
4448 When a virus is detected, you will be asked what action is to be taken.
4449 General options
4450 Sound Files
4451 Enter the program
4452 Virus detection
4453 Virus disinfection
4454 File deletion
4455 File rename
4456 File not disinfected
4457 Start of scan
4458 End of scan
4459 The scan finished without incidents
4460 Exit the program
4461 The password does not match the established one
4462 The confirmation password does not match
4463 Incorrect password. Access denied
4464 The updating of the Antivirus finished successfully
4465 The updating of the Antivirus could not be performed
4466 The virus description file is not found in
4467 Select an item from the tree
4468 The Item is not a file
4469 The Item is not a directory
4470 Item already inserted
4471 Caution: if you lose or forget the password, you will not be able to recover it. You are advised to keep it in a safe place (remember that the passwords are case sensitive).
4472 Enter previous password
4473 Change password
4474 Rewrite the password
4475 Confirm the password
4476 Access password
4477 Password
4478 It is not possible to update a shareware version
4479 Scan Disk Drive %s
4480 Scan Hard Drive %s
4481 Scan CD-ROM Drive %s
4482 Unable to save the configuration
4483 Hard Drive %s
4484 Scan at computer startup
4485 Create New Scan
4486 Scan Memory
4487 Scan all Removable Drives
4488 Scan all Hard Drives
4489 Scan all CD-ROM Drives
4490 Scan all Network Drives
4491 Scan all E-mail
4492 Scan Whole System
4493 Create New Job
4494 Memory
4495 All Hard Drives
4496 All Network Drives
4497 All E-mail
4498 Whole System
4500 Workstation
4502 Domain
4505 By Default
4506 Windows Startup Scan
4507 Viruses found
4508 No viruses found
4509 Suspicious files were found
4510 Scan cancelled
4511 Subdirectories will also be excluded from the scan
4512 Subdirectories will not be excluded from the scan
4513 The file from the selected path will be excluded from the scan
4514 The file will be excluded from the scan, regardless of the path.
4515 You do not have the sound files that are included in the complete application.If you wish, you can download them from our Website.
4516 The start date must not be prior to 1/1/1970
4517 Scan Lotus Notes databases
4518 All Lotus Notes
4519 Configuration of the scheduled scan
4520 An extension may not contain any of the following characters \n \ / : * ? " < > |
4521 You must indicate a directory, not a file
4522 You must indicate a valid directory
4523 You just indicate a valid drive
4524 The directory does not exist. Do you want to create it?
4525 The directory cannot be created
5010 Scanning
5011 Scan cancelled
5012 Scan finished
5013 Scanning Boot of %s
5014 Boot of %s
5015 Select the action you want taken with the infected file.
5016 Scanning Memory
5017 Memory
5018 Yes
5019 Memory could not be scanned.
5020 Error
5021 Scanning System Files
5022 You have not specified a valid directory to move files to.
5023 Panda Antivirus (Move)
5024 Virus-infected file sent by Panda Antivirus
5025 Insufficient Memory
5026 Unable to open the session to scan the folder
5027 Unable to find the folder
5028 Warning
5029 Panda Antivirus Warning
5030 Scanning disk drives
5031 Scanning hard drives
5032 Scanning network drives
5033 Scanning CD-ROM drives
5034 Scanning mail
5035 Scanning the whole system
5036 Scanning selected items
5037 Scans
5038 Sunday
5039 Monday
5040 Tuesday
5041 Wednesday
5042 Thursday
5043 Friday
5044 Saturday
5045 Master Boot
5046 Boot
5047 The file cannot be disinfected as it is inside a compressed file
5048 The file cannot be renamed as it is inside a compressed file
5049 The file cannot be deleted as it is inside a compressed file
5050 The file cannot be moved as it is inside a compressed file
5051 The virus has been disinfected.
5052 An error occurred while attempting to Rename the file
5053 An error occurred while attempting to Delete the file
5054 An error occurred while attempting to Move the file
5055 The file could not be disinfected
5056 The file has been moved
5057 The file has been renamed
5058 The file has been deleted
5059 Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:\n
5060 - Contains code for writing directly onto disk, ignoring the file system.\n
5061 - Stays resident and monitors the execution of other programs.\n
5062 - Stays resident and monitors the execution and opening of other programs.\n
5063 - Searches directories for programs.\n
5064 - Modifies its own code.\n
5065 - Program with suspicious header.\n
5066 - Unconventional resident program.\n
5067 - Contains formatting code.\n
5068 - Uses undocumented DOS characteristics.\n
5069 - This file does not contain any noteworthy characteristics.
5070 Not enough space to make changes
5071 Scanning Lotus Notes
5072 Renamed
5073 Deleted
5074 Moved
5554 Connecting to the Server
5555 Unable to load the libraries necessary for Registration.
5556 Friendship License Registration.- Error
5557 Unable to carry out the Registration.
5558 Sending Registration Information
5559 Finish
5560 Unable to make the connection. The wizard will try to use the Network Telephone Access
5561 Friendship License Registration
5562 Unable to establish the connection. Make sure you have the Network Telephone Access installed.
5563 The Registration information could not be sent.
5564 &Next >
5565 &Send
5566 Attention: all fields must be filled out.
5567 Friendship License Registration.- Warning
5568 Attention: there are still fields to be filled out that are essential for registration
5569 The operation was cancelled.
5703 On-Line Registration.- Warning
5704 It is necessary to fill out all fields
5705 On-Line Registration
6001 \nPanda Antivirus INTERNET RESIDENT MODULE\n has found the following viruses in the message:\n
6002 Sent by :
6003 Address :
6004 To :
6005 Subject :
6006 Date :
6007 Sent by You
6008 Virus incident
6009 Report generated by Panda Antivirus
6010 \n\nThe following viruses were found in :
6011 \nFile :
6012 inside:
6013 \n Virus :
6014 - Disinfected
6015 - Renamed
6016 - Deleted
6017 - Moved
6018 - Ignored
6019 - Stopped
6020 Virus found :
6021 \n\nhttp://www.pandasoftware.com\n\n
6022 Virus detected by the RESIDENT INTERNET
7001 Disable
7002 Enable
7003 Configure
7004 View connection window
7005 Close connection window
7006 Close
7007 Are you sure you want to close the internet resident?
7008 Are you sure you want to close the VxD resident?